Gender Equality & Equal Opportunities

The Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe strives to perform its tasks in such a way that equal opportunities as defined in Article 3 of the German Basic Law can be fulfilled in the best possible way. Therefore, it pursues a structural and personnel policy strategy which, in addition to concrete measures for the implementation of equal opportunities, also defines framework conditions for an even better compatibility of employment and family.

In 2020, IVW was granted the "TOTAL E-QUALITY" award for equal opportunities for the first time. In 2023, the institute received the award for the 2nd time, which certifies a successful and sustainable commitment to equal opportunities for women and men in the workplace. The institute is also a member of the company network "Erfolgsfaktor Familie".

Here you can find the IVW equal opportunity plan.

The equal opportunity officers of IVW have extensive rights and duties and support the institute on its further path.

Equal Opportunities Team


Barbara Güttler

Manager Material Cycles

Special Expertise: Biocomposites, carbon fiber recycling, materials analytics, method development, bioeconomy


Anna Dlugaj

Scientific Staff Digitalized Process & Material Development


Valentine Domengie

Scientific Staff Molding & Joining Technologies


Francis González Ramírez

Scientific Staff Fatigue & Life Time Prediction

Reconciling Family and Work

Right at the beginning of my pregnancy, I confided in my supervisor and doctoral advisor at IVW and he immediately released me from all tasks that could endanger the pregnancy. My colleagues were also happy to relieve me of any physically demanding tasks as the pregnancy progressed. My return to work after maternity leave and parental leave was made more difficult due to a lack of childcare options for my child, but my supervisor was very accommodating here with flexible working hours. Since then, I've been working part-time on the same project as before my parental leave and can adjust the number of hours to what works best for us as a family.


Janna Krummenacker

PostDoc Design of Composite Structures

Special Expertise: Development, implementation, execution and evaluation of realistic and efficient material and component tests, automated evaluation of large data sets, finite element calculation (static)

More than a year ago, my mother suddenly became in need of care. Thanks to the great willingness to make my working hours more flexible, from my direct supervisor to our managing director, Prof. Breuer, I am able to reconcile taking care of her and my work at the IVW so well. Even before Covid-19 and an institute-wide company agreement on "mobile work", IVW was willing to offer an individual solution for balancing work and private care.

The modern time recording system at IVW allows me to adjust work as needed, even at short notice. This means, for example, that even urgent doctor's visits for my mother have been possible at any time without any problems, thanks to precise punching in and out after clarification with my direct supervisor. I keep hearing from acquaintances in other companies that this is not something that can be taken for granted. I am very grateful to IVW for these opportunities and I am sure that IVW will also benefit from them.

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Thomas Pfaff

Laboratory Engineer Design of Composite Structures


Since starting at IVW, I recently became a father for the second time. Since my wife is in training to become a medical specialist at the same time, it's not always easy to juggle everything. The flexibility of flexitime helps us immensely in our day-to-day work. The openness and support on the topics of parental leave and part-time work show me that I am in very good hands as a young father at IVW


Tim Schmidt

Scientific Staff Digitalized Process & Material Development

Working at IVW

Have we piqued your interest? Read here what our alumni say about their time at IVW.

Complaints Office

IVW is committed to a comprehensive set of values of mutual respect, being a role model, honesty, commitment, feedback, team spirit, creativity, quality and mutual helpfulness. Unlawful unequal treatment, especially sexual discrimination, mobbing, harassment and violence will not be tolerated.

There must be a complaints office in the company for complaints from employees on the grounds of discrimination because of race, ethnic origin, religion, ideology, disability, age, gender or sexual identity.
All employees have the right to complain if they feel they have been disadvantaged in connection with their employment for any of the above reasons.
The complaint must be investigated and the result must be communicated to the complainant.

All cases of complaints about harassment and sexual harassment of female employees at work in accordance with § 3 Paragraphs 3 and 4 of the AGG are the responsibility of the AGG:
Equal Opportunities Officer Dr. Güttler, Deputy Ms. Feiden.
For all other cases according to AGG are responsible:
AGG Complaints Office, Prof. Hausmann, Dr. Wetzel (deputy).

Further details on the procedure can be found here.

In addition, the external contact point is BAD, Gesundheitsvorsorge und Sicherheitstechnik GmbH:

- B.A.D. Korinna Beck