
Topology-Optimized and Resource Efficient Composites for Mobility and Transport

In composites, especially fiber-reinforced polymer composites (FRPC), polymers and reinforcing fibers are combined synergistically so that the composite far exceeds the properties of the input materials. Due to their outstanding lightweight construction properties, FRPC are predestined materials for mobility and transport and can, for example, be a key element in the comprehensive transition to electromobility. To achieve this, however, the full potential must be exploited in terms of mechanical performance, sustainability and cost-effectiveness.

A new generation of FRP,

in which process, material and construction

are perfectly coordinated.


In the TopComposite project, the new FRPC "TopComposite" is to be developed. This is the result of a new manufacturing process, specially adapted matrix systems and a construction method tailored to the process and material technology possibilities. The new manufacturing process allows the continuous conveying of fiber bundles which are impregnated with a thermosetting resin system directly during the process. This allows topology-optimized, additive deposition of continuous fiber bundles. The fibers can be deposited in both straight and curved paths. Even deposition in loops is possible with this manufacturing process. This allows a load-path-compatible fiber positioning, so that the fibers are only placed where they are really needed for reinforcement. This is intended to minimize the use of material and at the same time enable a quasi-waste-free production of FRPC components.

The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), after Dr.-Ing. David May won the "NanoMatFutur" competition for young scientists. Through this initiative, the BMBF supports young, excellent junior scientists in the field of materials science and materials engineering by giving them the opportunity to establish their own independent junior research group. One of the funding objectives is to overcome the boundaries of traditional disciplines. In the TopComposite project, an interdisciplinary team with members from the fields of process engineering, chemistry, materials science, construction and economics will work together over a funding period of five years to optimally coordinate construction methods, processes and materials under the leadership of Dr.-Ing. David May.

Team Members

Peter A. Arrabiyeh


Anna Dlugaj


Maximilian Eckrich



Structural Topology Optimization and Path Planning for Composites Manufactured by Fiber Placement Technologies

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