Tailored Thermosets & Biomaterials

The competence field develops high-performance multifunctional composites with thermoset matrix. As a bottom-up technology platform, an innovative "materials toolbox" is being developed and applied. New materials, preferably based on biogenic resources, and functional nano- and micro-reinforced materials as well as fibers are used to equip composites with tailored properties. Particular attention is paid to their sustainability and durability, even in aggressive environments, as well as their (chemical) recyclability at the end of their life cycle. To this end, environmentally friendly, scalable manufacturing and recycling processes are being developed and liquid materials are being processed from laboratory scale to quantities of 200 kg on an industrial scale.

The aim is to develop material innovations based on a mechanistic understanding and correlation of processes, structures and properties. State-of-the-art analytical techniques from the spectrum of engineering, chemical and physical methods are used, such as fracture mechanics in media, atomic force microscopy with IR mapping and temperature-modulated optical refractometry.


Bernd Wetzel

Research Director Materials Science & Manager Tailored Thermosets & Biomaterials

Special Expertise: Multifunctional thermosets, nanocomposites, tribology, fracture mechanics, structure-property relationships

Special Expertise

  • Broad expertise in material selection, processing, and characterization
  • Development of thermoset composites with tailored and multifunctional properties
  • Scalable processing technologies and methods according to industrial standards
  • Further development of characterization methods
Economic Sectors Applications (Examples)
Automotive Tribologica coatings, Biobased foams
Aeronautics & Space Multifunctional matrices
Engineering and systems engineering Roller covers, slide bearings
Energy Toughened polymer matrices
Construction Durable reinforcements, Insulation foams

Materials and Questions

Typical Materials

  • Reactive systems
  • Biobased materials
  • Micro-/nanofillers
  • Wood
  • Fibers

Typical Questions

  • How can properties and processability of thermosets be improved without increase of costs?
  • Which thermosets are resistant against strong alkaline media in order to reach high durability in applications?
  • Which equivalent or better material can substitute a material that is no longer available on the market?

Projects in this field

Publications from the IVW papers in this field of competence

  • Popov, V.

    Quantifizierung von Defekten in endlosfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen mit Hilfe der Amplituden- und Phaseninformationen im Rahmen der aktiven und passiven Thermografie

  • Klingler, A.

    Morphology and Fracture of Block Copolymer and Core-Shell Rubber Particle Modified Epoxies and their Carbon Fibre Reinforced Composites

  • Kopietz, M.

    Modifizierte, phosphatfreie Organomineralharze in glas- und basaltfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen

  • Hassinger, I.

    Analyse und Entwicklung des Extrusionsprozesses zur Erhöhung der Dispersionsqualität von Nanopartikel-Polyamid 6-Verbundwerkstoffen

  • Zhou, R.

    Nanoparticle-Filled Thermoplastics and Thermoplastic Elastomer: Structure - Property Relationships

  • Noll, A.

    Effektive Multifunktionalität von monomodal, bimodal und multimodal mit Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhren, Graphit und kurzen Kohlenstofffasern gefülltem Polyphenylensulfid

  • Knör, N. F.

    Einfluss der Verarbeitungstechnologie und Werkstoffzusammensetzung auf die Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen von thermoplastischen Nanoverbundwerkstoffen

  • Medina, R.

    Rubber Toughened and Nanoparticle Reinforced Epoxy Composites

  • Bittmann, B.

    Ultraschalldispergierung von anorganischen Nanopartikeln in Epoxidharz und Charakterisierung der resultierenden Werkstoffe

  • Siengchin, S.

    Water-Mediated Melt Compounding to Produce Thermoplastic Polymer-Based Nanocomposites: Structure-Property Relationships

  • Harsch, M.

    Methoden und Ansätze zur spannungsarmen Vernetzung von Epoxidharzen

  • Zhang, H.

    Fracture of Nanoparticle Filled Polymer Composites

  • Yang, J.

    Characterization, Modeling and Prediction of the Creep Resistance of Polymer Nanocomposites

  • Wetzel, B.

    Mechanische Eigenschaften von Nanoverbundwerkstoffen aus Epoxydharz und keramischen Nanoparktikeln

  • Wiedmer, S.

    Zur Pultrusion von thermoplastischen Halbzeugen: Prozessanalyse und Modellbildung

  • Gatos, K.G.

    Structure-Property Relationships in Rubber/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites

  • Rosso, P.

    Erfassung und Bewertung von Grenzschichteffekten in neuartigen kohlenstofffaserverstärkten Polymeren

  • Jost, N.

    Vernetzung und Chemorheologie von Duromeren mit hybrider und interpenetrierender Struktur

  • Hoffmann, J.

    Entwicklung einer neuartigen Fertigungstechnik zur Herstellung resorbierbarer Microfibrillarer Composites

  • Rodermund, D.

    Styrolfreie Vinylesterharze zur Verwendung in Verbunddübeln

  • Fuhrmann, I.

    Photochemische Modifizierung von Gummipartikeln - ein Beitrag zur stofflichen Wiederverwertung von Altgummi

  • Barkoula, N.-M.

    Solid particle erosion behaviour of polymers and polymeric composites

  • Papke, N.

    Neue thermoplastische Elastomere mit co-kontinuierlicher Phasenstruktur auf Basis von Polyester/Elastomer Blends unter Verwendung gezielt chemisch funktionalisierter Elastomere

  • Gremmels, J.

    Partieller hygrothermischer Abbau von Polyester-Polyurethan und dessen Anwendung - ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung eines neuen Recyclingverfahrens

  • Bechtold, G.

    Pultrusion von geflochtenen und axial verstärkten Thermoplast-Halbzeugen und deren zerstörungsfreie Porengehaltsbestimmung

    External Publications "Tailored Thermosets & Biomaterials"

    The effect of block copolymer and core-shell rubber hybrid toughening on morphology and fracture of epoxy-based fibre reinforced composites.

    Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.engfrac-mech.2018.06.044


    SUSAAN - SUStainable Antimicrobial and Antiviral Nanocoating
    Flyer (PDF)

    The effect of block copolymer and core-shell rubber hybrid toughening on morphology and fracture of epoxy-based fibre reinforced composites.

    Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.engfrac-mech.2018.06.044


    Preparation and characterization of bionanocomposite films based on wheat starch and reinforced with cellulose nanocrystals


    Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Basalt Fibre Reinforced Polymer Lamellas for Renovation of Concrete Structures


    Synthesis, characterization, spectral properties and evaluation of the photophys- ical behavior of novel Congo Red based polymers

    10.1016/j. optmat.2022.113268

    New substituted pentazadienes as initiators of free-radical polymerization: synthesis, photochemical properties and perspectives for holographic media


    Flexural and fracture mechanical properties of in situ particulate reinforced organomineral hybrid resins modified by organofunctional silanes

    Composites Science and Technology 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.02.013


    Chemically Functionalized Cellulose Nanocrystals as Reactive Filler in Bio-Based Polyurethane Foams


    Temperature-rate induced polymerization and phase separation of block copolymer toughened polymer composites


    Simultaneous access to different types of volume changes and the degree of cure during isothermal polymerization of polymer networks

    doi: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2022.87

    3D printing and modelling of continuous carbon fibre reinforced composite grids with enhanced shear modulus


    Thermal volume expansion as seen by temperature-modulated optical refractometry, oscillating dilatometry and thermo-mechanical analysis


    Eco-friendly and Sustainable Processing of Wood Based Materials

    Green Chem., 2021, DOI: 10.1039/D0GC04430J.


    Reactive Layer Assembly Sustains an Interlocked Structure in Green
    Processed and Scalable High-Performance Layered Wood


    On volume changes during homopolymerization of polymer networks
    accessed via “Temperature modulated optical refractometry”


    Influence of enzymatically hydrophobized hemp protein on morphology and mechanical properties of bio-based polyurethane and epoxy foams


    Vitrimer Transition phenomena from the perspective of thermal volume expansion and shape (in)stability


    The thermo-optical coefficient as an alternative probe for the structural arrest of polymeric glass formers


    Novel Approach in B-Staging of an Epoxy Resin for Development of rCF Non-Woven Prepregs for RTP Processing


    Low velocity impact resistance of thin and toughened carbon fibre reinforced epoxy


    Significance of nickel particles on reducing friction and wear of polyimide subjected to harsh boundary lubrication conditions


    Low velocity impact resistance of thin and toughened carbon fibre reinforced epoxy


    Significance of nickel particles on reducing friction and wear of polyimide subjected to harsh bound- ary lubrication conditions

    10.1016/j.tri- boint.2022.108063

    Controlled interlayer binding and healing improve the transverse properties of upcycled disposable waste wood


    Temperature-controlled molecular bonding hysteresis: interphase dynamics of a nanoparticle-modified polymer network
