
Please select a project, use the keyword search or filter by field of competence / industrial sectors.


Project status

  • 93
  • 91

Field of competence

  • All
  • Design of Composite Structures
  • Mechanical Characterization & Modeling
  • Fatigue & Life Time Prediction
  • Digitalized Process & Material Development
  • Molding & Joining Technologies
  • Process Simulation
  • Roving & Tape Processing
  • Smart Composites & Nondestructive Testing
  • Tailored Thermosets & Biomaterials
  • Tribology
  • Material Cycles
  • Remanufacturing & Repair

Industrial sector

  • All
  • Automotive
  • Construction Industry
  • Energy
  • Aeronautics & Space
  • Engineering
  • Medical Engineering
  • Sports & Recreation

Selected IVW projects

  • [Translate to English:]


    Vitrimers Bridging the Gap between Thermoplastics and Thermosets

    Systematic development of lightweight bio-based composites with excellent heat resistance for structural applications.

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    Activities in the Medical Sector

    Development of a novel sternal closure implant using new polymer-based hybrid designs

  • Antimicrobial/antiviral protection on the nano-level

    SUSAAN - SUStainable Antimicrobial and Antiviral Nanocoating

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    AVK Expert Task Force

    Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics within the Automotive Industry

    Standardization of continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastics applications within the automotive industry

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    Design of Injection Molded Plastic Gears

    This project aims at the development of a guideline for the suitable design of plastic gears, considering function, material and technology, using a physical and experimentally validated approach.

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    OD Pfalz II | Citizen Science

    The OD Pfalz II project, scientifically led by the IVW, is concerned with the development of new and affordable everyday medical aids in collaboration with citizens from Rhineland-Palatinate.

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    Basalt Fiber Lamellae for Static Building Renovation

    The project investigates and develops eco-efficient basalt fiber composite lamellae and their manufacturing processes for reinforcement systems for static building refurbishment.

  • Bio-Based Plastics in the Structural Building Sector

    Technology Study on the Use of Bio-Based Plastics in the Structural Building Sector

    Life time enhancement of thermoplastic FRP-metal-hybrids by reducing process induced residual stresses

  • BioSMC

    Use of Bio-Based and Renewable Raw Materials in SMC

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    An Open Innovation Test Bed for Nano-Enabled Bio-Based PUR Foams and Composites

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    Effective Recycling of Carbon Fibers

    In the research project CarboSteer a new process technology to recycle carbon fibers and to reuse the material in high performance parts is investigated.

  • CF-Hydro – FRP-based Hydrogen Transportation and Storage

    Development of lightweight construction methods for manufacturing fiberreinforced polymer (FRP) piping for hydrogen distribution and tanks for hydrogen storage in aircrafts

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    Characterization Methods for Thermoplastic Composites

    Development of new, efficient characterization methods for complex loading cases of CFRTC for generating comparable material properties

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    Curved Composites

    Subsequently Formable Profiles made of FRP

    Development of a material model for unidirectional and continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastics

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    Simulative Damage Prediction of Scrim Laminates

    The aim of the DamageDict project is to develop a simulation software tool that accurately predicts the failure of composite materials with little experimental effort.

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    Increased energy absorption and an improved structural integrity of FRP structures in case of critical tensile and bending load

  • Through-the-Thickness Permeabiltiy of the Reinforcing Tex

    Design of a more efficient resin injection process

    Knowledge about the impregnation behaviors of reinforcement textiles

  • DigiTain - Digitalization for Sustainability

    Knowledge about the impregnation behaviors of reinforcement textiles

  • [Translate to English:]

    drivEcomp II – Advanced Composite Solutions

    Increasing the power density of electrical drive systems for rail and road applications by using fiber composite technology

    increase the power density of electrical drive systems for rail and road applications by using fiber composite technology

  • [Translate to English:]


    Durable and Resource-Saving Bast Fiber Reinforced Composite Components

    increase the power density of electrical drive systems for rail and road applications by using fiber composite technology

  • 3DPrint2Fiber

    Structure Optimized 3D-Print Orthoses

    Development of a hybrid process for the production of personalized and structurally optimized 3D-print orthoses on site

  • [Translate to English:]


    Thermoplastic liquid impregnation

    Thermoplastic liquid impregnation for rapid entry into the production of continuously fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites based on established thermoset process chains

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    Efficient Fast Conditioning

    Efficient Fast Conditioning and Storage of Hygroscopic Materials

    The project investigated whether and how acoustic signals measured in quasi-static tensile tests can be correlated with fatigue strength of laminates.

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    Properties of Natural Fibers

    Development of carbon fiber reinforced plastic materials with maximum cyclic strength for applications in ultra-fast rotating flywheels.

  • FAnTeStick

    Fatigue Analysis and Test Procedures for the Design of Bonded Joints

    Development of a novel sternal closure implant using new polymer-based hybrid designs

  • [Translate to English:]

    Fiber-reinforced bipolar plates for fuel cells

    Development of fiber-reinforced compound film bipolar plates for compact lightweight fuel cells

    This project aims at the incorporation of carbon fibers into compound foils to increase the power density of hydrogen fuel cells

  • [Translate to English:]


    Development of an easy-to-use, cost-effective and robust hybrid polymer implant for sternum closure

    Development of a novel sternal closure implant using new polymer-based hybrid designs

  • FlexHyJoin

    Automatisierte Fertigungszelle zum Hybridfügen

    Ziel ist es, effiziente und flexible Verbindungsansätze für moderne Materialien zu entwickeln. Entwicklung eines vollautomatischen Fügeverfahrens für die Automobilindustrie

  • [Translate to English:]


    Development of a flexible CFRP torque shaft in bending direction to securely transfer a high torque load.

  • Fortschrittliche tribologische Prüfmethoden

    in unterschiedlichen Klimata

    Ziel ist es, die Haltbarkeit und das Reibungsverhalten von Materialien durch moderne Prüfverfahren zu bewerten.

  • [Translate to English:]

    Shape Adaptive Airfoil for Small Aircraft

    Relevant characteristic values for determining the potential of additive manufacturing methods for propulsion technology components

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  • Halocycles

    Sustainable Cycles for PFAS Enabled by Electrochemistry

    In addition to the recycling of valuable materials after an aircraft has been in use, the reprocessing of production waste in the manufacture of components can also make a contribution to protecting the environment and reducing costs.

  • [Translate to English:]


    HARVEST is an ambitious project, aiming at providing the aerospace sector with a safer, more economic and environmentally friendly structural material.

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  • Homogene Stahl-Glas-Thermoplast-Faserhybride

    mit hoher Strukturintegrität

    Ziel ist die Entwicklung eines individualisierten Fahrradsattels, der Komfort, Leichtbau und Haltbarkeit im hohem Maße vereint.

  • [Translate to English:]


    Automated hybrid welding of metallic fasteners to fiber-plastic composite components

  • HydroBear

    Lasttragende Typ-V Wasserstoff-Drucktanks

    Gesamtziel des Vorhabens HYDROBEAR ist die Entwicklung eines strukturintegrierten Wasserstoff-Drucktanksystems für kleine und mittelgroße Flugzeuge, welches lasttragende Funktionen (Nutzung als Holme) im Flügel übernimmt.

  • [Translate to English:]


    Load-bearing Type 5 pressure tanks for aviation

    The HyFive project is developing lighter, load-bearing Type-V hydrogen tanks with a thermoplastic matrix to reduce CO₂ emissions in aviation. Extensive tests, a digital twin, and integrated sensors increase safety, efficiency, and recyclability.

  • HyRoS

    Multifunctional Hybrid Rotor Blade Protection System

    Development of an erosion protection layer for wind energy plants and a rotor blade heating system

  • HySpine

    Development of a Metal-Free Spinal Implant

    Development of a metal-free pedicle screw system to prevent artefacts

  • [Translate to English:]


    High-Performance Bicycle Saddle in Hybrid Design

    The aim is the development of an individualized bicycle saddle that unites comfort, lightweight design and durability on a high level.

  • HyTraLeicht

    Hybride Tragstrukturen für den Leichtbau in Fahrzeugen

    Ziel ist die Entwicklung eines individualisierten Fahrradsattels, der Komfort, Leichtbau und Haltbarkeit im hohem Maße vereint.

  • [Translate to English:]


    Innovative Tools for Extra Wide Organo Sheets

    Development of a novel tool technology to increase the impregnation performance of continuous compression molding

  • Induction Welding of CFK

    Increasing the velocity of the induction welding process

  • Induction Welding of CFK

    Increasing the velocity of the induction welding process

  • InjectProfile

    Thermoplastische Low-Cost Flugzeug-Profile

    Ziel ist es, die Produktion von Profilen im Spritzgussverfahren effizienter und präziser zu gestalten.

  • InnoClip

    Development of a new x-ray transparent aneurysm clip based on biocompatible materials

  • [Translate to English:]

    International Standardization

    International Standardization of Characterization Methods

    International organizational team for a new benchmark study on "virtual" permeability measurement

  • KI4MaterialModeling

    AI-based Object Detection in Computed Tomography Data

    Development of a simulation software module for the determination of material parameters, which replaces experimental tests by validated simulations.

  • [Translate to English:]


    rCF-Reinforced Beech Wood Hybrid Beam

    The aim of the project was the development of a resource-efficient hybrid beech wood beam and the improvement of the life cycle assessment by using low grade beech wood and recycled carbon fiber.

  • Composites Laser Cutting

    Based on measurement data of different material combinations and artificial as well as real defects, multilayer models are developed and validated in this project.

  • [Translate to English:]


    Sustainable Composite Materials for Maritime Applications

    The aim of MarineCare is to develop a sustainable composite material from recycled and bio-based materials and to develop a corresponding waste-reducing manufacturing process.

  • MaTaInH2

    Material-Efficient Industrialization of H2Pressure Tanks

    Within the 3 year project “MaTaInH2”, the project partners Mahle, TUM and IVW are pursuing the goal to industrialize high volume hydrogen pressure vessels production at reduced product costs.

  • Math2Composites

    Material Simulator for Textile Based Composites

    Development of a simulation software module for the determination of material parameters, which replaces experimental tests by validated simulations.

  • [Translate to English:]
  • Material Model for the Compression Behavior in SMC

    Development of an efficient and accurate material model for the prediction of the flow behavior and the fiber orientation in SMC materials

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    Mechanical Characterization

    of CFRP Hydrogen Tank Segments

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    Media Tight

    Material Simulator for Textile Based Composites

    Development of a simulation software module for the determination of material parameters, which replaces experimental tests by validated simulations.

  • Messung der Filamentqualität

    Messung der Filamentqualität für Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) 3D-Druck

    Ziel ist es, die Qualitätskontrolle und das Monitoring von Filamenten zu verbessern.

  • ML4ProcessSimulation

    Machine Learning for Process Simulation

    Within the 3 year project “MaTaInH2”, the project partners Mahle, TUM and IVW are pursuing the goal to industrialize high volume hydrogen pressure vessels production at reduced product costs.

  • Multi-Methoden-Ansatz

    Multi-Methoden-Ansatz zur Charakterisierung der SMA-Draht-Polymer-Grenzflächenhaftung

    Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, mehrere Analyseverfahren zur genauen Charakterisierung von Verbundmaterialien zu kombinieren.

  • [Translate to English:]


    Low-Shrink and UV-Curing House Connection Inliners

    The project deals with the development of low-shrinkage and adhesive fiber-reinforced plastics for application as house connection inliners under UV curing.

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    Modeling the Mechanical Properties of Natural Fiber- Reinforced Polymer (NFRPs)

    Development of a highly automated manufacturing process for CFRP-structural parts, such as aircraft frames, with thermoplastic-matrix

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    SMC Semi-Finished Materials for Structural High-Temperature Applications Based on rCF

    Introduction of a new methodology that enables the production of closed FRP box structures efficiently and enables new possibilities of construction

  • Next-Move

    Concepts of Next Generation of Moveables

    Introduction of a new methodology that enables the production of closed FRP box structures efficiently and enables new possibilities of construction

  • Optimierung einer stationären Siphon-Imprägniereinheit

    Zusammen mit dem IFB entwickelt das IVW eine stationäre, robuste Inline-Siphon-Imprägniereinheit für die Verarbeitung von bis zu 6 x 50k Kohlenstofffaserrovings zur Herstellung modularer CFK-Strukturen im Bauwesen.

  • [Translate to English:]


    Thermoplastic Integral Frames in One Shot Process

    Development of a highly automated manufacturing process for CFRP-structural parts, such as aircraft frames, with thermoplastic-matrix

  • PowderTape

    Flexible Prozesskette für Thermoplast-Composites

    Ziel des Projekts PowderTape ist die Umsetzung einer flexiblen Prozesskette für die Herstellung hochleistungsfähiger Thermoplast-Composites auf Basis pulverimprägnierter Fasertapes und die Entwicklung einer entsprechenden Anlagentechnik.

  • [Translate to English:]


    Hardware Parts made of Fiber-Reinforced-Plastic-Composite for Belt Systems

    Development of a simulation software module for the determination of material parameters, which replaces experimental tests by validated simulations.

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    High-Performance Structural Components in One Shot

    In the pro-TPC structure project, thermoplastic continuous fiber reinforced inserts are combined with thermoplastic short fiber reinforced injection molding material.

  • Prozessdigitalisierung

    Prozessdigitalisierung von Carbonfaser Sheet Molding Compounds

    Hauptziel ist die Steigerung der Geschwindigkeit des kontinuierlichen Induktionsschweißprozesses von kontinuierlich kohlenstofffaserverstärkten Thermoplasten, speziell von Organoblechen, in Verbindung mit einer resultierenden Fügequalität auf Autoklavniveau.

  • Prozessoptimierung des Induktionsschweißens

    Prozessoptimierung des Induktionsschweißens von CFK-Organoblechen

    Hauptziel ist die Steigerung der Geschwindigkeit des kontinuierlichen Induktionsschweißprozesses von kontinuierlich kohlenstofffaserverstärkten Thermoplasten, speziell von Organoblechen, in Verbindung mit einer resultierenden Fügequalität auf Autoklavniveau.

  • R4PP

    Innovative Radial Piston Pump for Food Applications

    Efficient radial piston pumps with polymeric high performance composites for food applications

  • [Translate to English:]

    Recycling of CFRP with thermoplastic matrix

    In addition to the recycling of valuable materials after an aircraft has been in use, the reprocessing of production waste in the manufacture of components can also make a contribution to protecting the environment and reducing costs.

  • Schädigung unter Ermüdungsbelastung

    Schädigung unter Ermüdungsbelastung von kurzfaserverstärkten Thermoplasten

    Ziel des Projekts ist die Untersuchung des mikromechanischen Schädigungsverhaltens von kurzfaserverstärkten Thermoplasten

  • [Translate to English:]

    Simultaneous FTIR-Rheology-Testing

    In addition to the recycling of valuable materials after an aircraft has been in use, the reprocessing of production waste in the manufacture of components can also make a contribution to protecting the environment and reducing costs.

  • [Translate to English:]

    Smart Data

    In addition to the recycling of valuable materials after an aircraft has been in use, the reprocessing of production waste in the manufacture of components can also make a contribution to protecting the environment and reducing costs.

  • [Translate to English:]

    IVW-Research Data Management

    In addition to the recycling of valuable materials after an aircraft has been in use, the reprocessing of production waste in the manufacture of components can also make a contribution to protecting the environment and reducing costs.

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    Smart Processes and Optimized Designs for High Production Cadences

    Development of a new integral foam construction with thermoplastic cover layer for cabin components using the sidewall as an example

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    Structure Elucidation with X-Ray Microscopy

    In addition to the recycling of valuable materials after an aircraft has been in use, the reprocessing of production waste in the manufacture of components can also make a contribution to protecting the environment and reducing costs.

  • Thermoplastic Foam Injection Molding

    Light & Sustainable – New Equipment for Thermoplastic Foam Injection Molding

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    Novel Thermoplastic Aerospace Struts

    Life time enhancement of thermoplastic FRP-metal-hybrids by reducing process induced residual stresses

  • TopTape

    Tapewickelprozess mit integriertem Qualitätsprüfprogramm

    Ziel dieses Forschungsprojektes ist die Automatisierung der bisher manuellen Arbeitsschritte, die Entwicklung von vereinfachten Prüfmethoden zur effizienten Parameteroptimierung und die Erweiterung der Prozessüberwachung durch eine online- Qualitätskontrolle mit systematischer Erfassung und Überwachung der qualitätsrelevanten Regelungsund Prozessparameter.

  • TPC-H2-Storage – Hydrogen storage

    Infrastructure development for thermoplastic fiber composite pressure vessels for hydrogen storage and transport

  • [Translate to English:]

    TraNa – Colorable and Flame-Resistant Sheet Molding Compo

    Development of flame-retardant and translucent SMC semifinished products for interior applications in aircraft

    Life time enhancement of thermoplastic FRP-metal-hybrids by reducing process induced residual stresses

  • TriPhaHyb


    Ziel dieses Forschungsprojektes ist die Automatisierung der bisher manuellen Arbeitsschritte, die Entwicklung von vereinfachten Prüfmethoden zur effizienten Parameteroptimierung und die Erweiterung der Prozessüberwachung durch eine online- Qualitätskontrolle mit systematischer Erfassung und Überwachung der qualitätsrelevanten Regelungsund Prozessparameter.

  • [Translate to English:]

    Thermoforming Simulation of Organosheet Materials

    Forming behavior of continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastics

    Forming behavior of continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastics in the thermoforming process and to make statements about resulting fiber orientation, final contour, and wrinkling

  • [Translate to English:]

    Deformation behavior of UD staple fiber organo sheets

    Process analysis of the pseudo-plastic deformation behavior

    This project aims to apply the TMOR method for determining thermal volume expansion of polymers and composites and as well as the fundamentally related material phenomena.

  • [Translate to English:]

    Deformation Behavior of Staple Fiber Organo Sheets

    Analysis of the Pseudo-Plastic Deformation Behavior

    This project aims to apply the TMOR method for determining thermal volume expansion of polymers and composites and as well as the fundamentally related material phenomena.

  • [Translate to English:]

    Composites and Sustainability

    This project aims to apply the TMOR method for determining thermal volume expansion of polymers and composites and as well as the fundamentally related material phenomena.

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    New biobased polyesters for biodegradable textile, packaging, footwear applications

    In addition to the recycling of valuable materials after an aircraft has been in use, the reprocessing of production waste in the manufacture of components can also make a contribution to protecting the environment and reducing costs.

  • [Translate to English:]


    Modified and compacted high-performance wood from native wood residues for structural components

    Aim of the project is to develop sustainable and efficient wood-based materials.

  • WaVe

    Innovative FRP Tank Structure for Hydrogen Storage

    Active hybrid structures enable a novel situation-dependent adaptation of aircraft aerodynamics, which increases efficiency and reduces noise pollution.

  • [Translate to English:]


    Zero Emission Aircraft with Sustainable Fuselage Concept and Technology

    Active hybrid structures enable a novel situation-dependent adaptation of aircraft aerodynamics, which increases efficiency and reduces noise pollution.