Design of Composite Structures

The competence field Design of Composite Structures covers the development of optimized lightweight structures of fiber reinforced polymer composites (FRP) for new applications as well as the substitution of existing designs made of other materials.

Finite element program systems (e.g. ABAQUS, ANSYS) with specialized meshing and CAD programs (ANSA, SolidWorks), optimization tools (e.g. TOSCA, Isight) and in-house developed subroutines for modeling and description of strength and failure mechanisms of FRP (strength criteria, degradation, nonlinear material models, unit cell modeling) are applied.


Nicole Motsch-Eichmann

Manager Design of Composite Structures

Special Expertise: Structural design and development of fiber composite structures, finite element analysis (static), development of load introduction regions, experimental testing of components and parts, topology and shape optimization

Economic Sectors Applications (Examples)
Aeronautics & Space Fuselage and tail structures, high lift components
Automotive Body-in-white and undercarriage structures
Engineering Highly accelerated machine parts
Sports & Recreation Bicycle frames and -parts
Medical technology X-ray transparent implants, orthosis
Energy Pressure vessels, hydrogen storage systems, rotor shafts

Special Expertise

  • Validation of structural design and analysis by experimental testing
  • FE unit cell modell for prediction of stiffness and strength of 3D-reinforced laminates
  • Consideration of non-linear material behavior
  • Pressure vessel tool (from the winding process up to design)
  • Topology optimization
  • Multi-axial testing (up to 6 test cylinders)
  • Component testing under defined climatic conditions within the climatic chamber
  • Algorithm for fiber angle determination from CT-measurement
  • Expertise concerning load application in thick-walled components
  • Coupling of numerous monitoring options (optical 3D deformation, acoustic emission, in-situ CT, etc.)

Materials and Questions

Typical Materials

  • GFRP
  • CFRP
  • Thermoset, thermoplastic
  • Fiber reinforced injection molding material
  • 3D-printing material

Typical Questions

  • How can endless fiber-reinforced components in combination with 3D printing be manufactured individually?
  • Can metallic implants and orthoses be replaced by a lighter fiber-reinforced design with adapted stiffness?
  • Is it possible to identify the beginning and progress of damage in the material by means of in-situ tests and to simulate it?

Projects in this field

Publications from the IVW papers in this field of competence

  • Schimmer, F.

    Einfluss des Matrixsystems und der Strukturkrümmung auf die Schlagbelastbarkeit von Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunden

  • Becker, Y.

    Development and investigatioon of a thermoplastic composite spinal implant under consideration of the interface between short and endless fibre reinforcement

  • Rieger, F.

    Entwicklung eines modifizierten Co-Curing-Verfahrens zur Herstellung von Komponenten aus kohlenstofffaserverstärktem Kunststoff

  • Helfrich, B.

    Untersuchungen des Reibwerteinflusses auf die Krafteinleitung in endloskohlenstofffaserverstärkte Polymerwerkstoffe

  • Bücker, M.

    Entwicklung einer Rotorglocke aus dickwandigen glasfaserverstärktem Kunststoff für einen Axialflussmotor mit Schwerpunkt der experimentellen und numerischen Betrachtung der Krafteinleitung

  • Heß, H.

    Experimentelle Charakterisierung und kontinuumsmechanische Simulation des Versagensverhaltens strukturell vernähter Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunde

  • Kaiser, M.

    Zur Anwendung von kohlenstofffaserverstärktem Kunststoff im Hochleistungsrahmenbau von Sportfahrrädern

  • Thielemann, K.

    Adaptive Strukturoptimierung von Faserkunststoffverbunden unter Berücksichtigung bionischer Aspekte

  • Roth, A. M.

    Strukturelles Nähen: Ein Verfahren zur Armierung von Krafteinleitungen für Sandwich-Strukturen aus Faser-Kunststoff-Verbund

  • Roth, Y.C.

    Beitrag zur rechnerischen Abschätzung des Scheiben-Elastizitäts-verhaltens in Dickenrichtung vernähter Faser-Kunststoff-Verbund-Laminate

  • Weiss, J.

    Strukturoptimierung auf Basis von bionischen Prinzipien: Topologieoptimierung zur Verbesserung des Schwingungsverhaltens von Bauteilen

  • Himmel, N.


  • Kuhn, M.

    Zur strukturmechanischen Auslegung unidirektional- und gewebeverstärkter Faserkunststoffverbund-Strukturen

  • Krebs, J.

    Design and Testing of a Composite Osteosynthesis Implant

  • Steffens, M.

    Zur Substitution metallischer Fahrzeug-Strukturbauteile durch innovative Faser-Kunststoff-Verbund-Bauweisen

    External Publications "Design of Composite Structures"

    Experimental Investigation on the In-Plane Creep Behavior of a Carbon-Fiber Sheet Molding Compound at Elevated Temperature at Different Stress States

    Load and structural health monitoring of a scaled CFRP rudder stock using electro-mechanical impedance technique

    First Conclusions on Damage Behaviour of Recycled Carbon Staple Fibre Yarn Using X-ray and Acoustic Emission Techniques


    Detection of Pin Failure in Carbon Fiber Composites Using the Electro-Mechanical Impedance Method

    Experimental investigation of modified co-curing process for carbon fiber/epoxy-laminates

    Characterisation of the damping behaviour of an adhesive-bonded GFRP trailer

    Hybrid thermoset-thermoplastic structures: An experimental investigation on the interface strength of continuous fiber-reinforced epoxy and short-fiber reinforced polyamide 6

    Development of a new method for manufacturing hollow fibre-reinforced plastic structures for aeronautical applications using structural CFRP cores

    Hybrid composite pedicle screw - finite element modelling with parametric optimization

    Hybrid Thermoset-Thermoplastic Structures: An in-depth study on plasma pretreated continuous fiber-reinforced epoxy specimens