Process Simulation

Process modelling and simulation is the cornerstone of Digitalization and Industry 4.0. In this competence field the focus lies on the development of simulation methods, CAE-workflows and material models for the systematic optimization of all manufacturing processes used to create fiber reinforced polymer composite parts.

Application-specific implementation of simulation tools based on commercial and/or open source CAE software are used to carry out systematic studies for optimizing process parameters, tools, component design, sensor positioning and semi-finished product selection. Furthermore, software tools are developed for data transfer within consistent simulation chains, e.g. transfer of process simulation results into mechanical component simulations. Finally, the validation of individual material models based on self-developed experimental and numerical methods for material characterization are also considered.

The research content is oriented towards the key composites manufacturing technologies of thermoforming, compression molding, liquid composite molding (LCM) and induction welding, which complement the experimental activities of the program area manufacturing science.


Miro Duhovic

Manager Process Simulation

Special Expertise: Finite element-based multiphysics simulation of complex composite manufacturing processes, material and process characterization, composite model development

Special Expertise

  • Latest commercial and open source software packages
  • Automatable scripts (e.g. Python) for data transfer and parameter studies
  • Modular shell and beam element material model for accurate prediction of fiber orientation, e.g. in organic sheets and customized preforms
  • User-defined material model for C-SMC materials ("compaction" and "flow")
  • One-stop-shop: material characterization, input and validation data can all be generated in-house
  • Highly skilled team with many years of simulation experience
Economic Sectors Applications (Examples)
Mobility SMC compression molding simulation for automotive body panels and thermoforming simulation of aircraft stringer profiles
Sports & Recreation Draping simulation for helmets
Energy Infusion simulation for rotor blades

Materials and Questions

Typical Materials

  • Thermosets and Thermoplastics
  • Continuous and discontinuous fiber reinforced systems

Current research topics

  • Faster process simulations through model order reduction and machine learning
  • Thermoforming simulation for customized preforms made from unidirectional reinforced materials
  • Simulation of thermoforming processes with tapes based on recycled carbon fibers
  • Simulation/analysis of fluid-structure interactions (hydrodynamic compaction)
  • Material models for C-SMC with very high fiber volume fraction

Typical Questions

  • How do different semi-finished products behave during the pressing process?
  • How can fiber orientations and wrinkling be predicted during thermoforming of organic sheets?
  • How can the filling time in LCM processes be optimized by adapting gating scenarios?
  • How can online control be implemented in continuous induction welding?

Projects in this field

Publications from the IVW papers in this field of competence

  • Weber, T.

    Herstellprozesssimulation zur Vorhersage der Faltenbildung in der Prepreg-Autoklav-Fertigung

  • Schöpfer, J.

    Spritzgussbauteile aus kurzfaserverstärkten Kunstsoffen: Methoden der Charakterisierung und Modellierung zur nichtlinearen Simulation von statischen und crashrelevanten Lastfällen

  • Louis M.

    Zur Simulation der Prozesskette von Harzinjektionsverfahren

  • Huber, U.

    Zur methodischen Anwendung der Simulation der Harzinjektionsverfahren

    External Publications "Process Simulation"

    An experimental characterization of wrinkling generated during prepreg autoclave manufacturing using caul plate

    Advanced process simulation of compression molded carbon fiber sheet molding compound (C-SMC) parts in automotive series applications

    Transverse liquid composite moulding processes for advanced composites material manufacturing

    Material Characterization and Compression Molding Simulation of CF-SMC Materials in a Press Rheometry Test


    Polarization imaging for surface fiber orientation measurements of carbon
    fiber sheet molding compounds

    A new ISO standard for the experimental characterization of in-plane permeability of fibrous reinforcements

    A combined experimental–numerical approach for permeability characterization of engineering textiles



    Machine learning for polymer composites process simulation – a review

    Sensitivity of transverse liquid composite molding processing pre- dictions to variations in constitutive data


    Influence of polymer matrix on the induction heating behavior of CFRPC laminates



    Computational modelling and analysis of transverse liquid composite moulding processes

    Microscale domain permeability prediction of fiber reinforcement structures based on the Lattice Boltzmann method and machine learning,forthcoming,51457.html