Works Council & Severely Disabled Persons

The Works Council Chairman is also the contact person for all matters concerning severely disabled persons at IVW.


Matthias Bendler

Head of Knowledge & Technology Transfer

Complaints Office

IVW is committed to a comprehensive set of values of mutual respect, being a role model, honesty, commitment, feedback, team spirit, creativity, quality and mutual helpfulness. Unlawful unequal treatment, especially sexual discrimination, mobbing, harassment and violence will not be tolerated.

There must be a complaints office in the company for complaints from employees on the grounds of discrimination because of race, ethnic origin, religion, ideology, disability, age, gender or sexual identity.
All employees have the right to complain if they feel they have been disadvantaged in connection with their employment for any of the above reasons.
The complaint must be investigated and the result must be communicated to the complainant.

All cases of complaints about harassment and sexual harassment of female employees at work in accordance with § 3 Paragraphs 3 and 4 of the AGG are the responsibility of the AGG:
Equal Opportunities Officer Dr. Güttler, Deputy Ms. Feiden.
For all other cases according to AGG are responsible:
AGG Complaints Office, Prof. Hausmann, Dr. Wetzel (deputy).

Further details on the procedure can be found here.

In addition, the external contact point is BAD, Gesundheitsvorsorge und Sicherheitstechnik GmbH:

- B.A.D. Korinna Beck