
OD Pfalz II | Citizen Science

The BewegungsForscher project aims to develop

everyday medical aids together with citizens.

We, the Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) and the Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe (IVW), would like to work with you to develop new and affordable everyday medical aids! In our project, we work together with users and citizens on innovative solutions for the medical sector that meet individual needs.

What is this project about?

In our society, affordable digital processes and products in the medical sector are becoming increasingly important. The Citizen Science project starts here and aims to work with citizens aged 16 and over and experts to develop everyday medical aids such as orthoses or nursing aids that are tailored to individual needs. We want to ensure that new perspectives and ideas flow into the project by actively involving users in the development process. Because they have valuable knowledge about the use of and everyday challenges with medical aids. Citizen scientists also have the opportunity to have a say in which tools are developed and can actively influence the development process.

How can you participate?

We invite users, relatives, experts and interested citizens, especially from Rhineland-Palatinate, to actively participate in the development process of medical aids. Participation is flexible. This means you can participate in individual events or all workshops on the project. The ideas and experiences of the citizen scientists are crucial to ensure that the tools developed meet the needs of the users.

Citizen scientists can already participate in the selection of the tool to be improved or developed. They then have the opportunity to work on the development process in workshops - from the creation of a requirement specification to solution development and construction through to testing a prototype.

What happens to the results?

The results of the project will be made available to all users. They will be presented at the final event in 2027 and made available on the project website. In addition, the findings in the field of techno-citizen science will be published in a handbook in order to make them accessible to a wider audience. This handbook is intended to serve as a guide to use and further develop the knowledge and experiences gained in other projects and contexts.

What does this research contribute to?

The collaboration between citizen scientists and experts enables a continuous exchange of knowledge, which can also contribute to the further development of healthcare and techno-citizen science beyond the project. The project promotes the development of innovative aids that are designed together with users and adapted to their individual needs and requirements in such a way that the quality of life is increased. By taking reusability and sustainability into account in product development, the project contributes to creating resource-saving solutions.

Join the project at any time - contribute in phases!

Citizens can already participate in the selection of the aid to be improved or developed.

There is then the opportunity to work on the development process in workshops - from the creation of a requirement specification to solution development and construction through to testing a prototype. The project is based on the scientific development process. This begins with the public project kick-off in May 2024. The dates for joint workshops will then be announced.

You can find out exactly how the project is structured and how you can help shape the project here:

Field of competence

Industry sectors

Project status

  • Current


[Translate to English:]

M. Sc.

Anke Kunze

Communication / Transfer Project OD Pfalz II

Telephone: +49 631 2017 226


Janna Krummenacker

PostDoc Design of Composite Structures

Telephone: +49 631 2017 367


The project “BewegungsForscher – Offene Digitalisierungsoffensive im Teilvorhaben Citizen Science” is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research based on a decision of the German Bundestag (funding reference 03IHS254D).