rCF-Reinforced Beech Wood Hybrid Beam

The goals of the project are to develop a resource-efficient hybrid beech wood beam and to increase the life cycle assessment by using low-grade beech wood and recycled carbon fiber grade beech wood and recycled carbon fiber.

For ecological and economic goals, upcycling of End-of-Life products and production waste in structural and load carrying components has to be achieved. Specific target of the project is the development of standardized and resource efficient hybrid beech wood beams to substitute steel and concrete beams. This target is striven by increasing the stiffness and strength of the flanges of I-beams of beech wood of low quality (e.g. from the inside of the trunk) with lamellae made of recycled CFRP (rCFRP-lamellae). This generates a directed load transfer into the beam. Basis of this reinforcement are rovings out of rCF- staple fiber. They are handled through a winding process to gain a pre-stressed and unidirectional alignment of the fibers. Mechanical tests show, that the stiffness and strength of 100 GPa and 600 MPa are close to applications with new fibers. A process optimization and a better fiber-matrix-bonding can increase the properties and would lead to a lower amount of rCFRP content or to a higher workload of the hybrid beam.



Christian Becker

Scientific Staff Design of Composite Structures

Telephone: +49 631 2017 206



Ulrich Blass

Scientific Staff Design of Composite Structures

Telephone: +49 631 2017 321



The project “Standardized Hybrid Beech Wood Beam – Improvement Potential of Product Storage and Substantial Substitution by the Use of Low Quality Beech Wood” was funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag within the context of “Funding Program Renewable Resources“ (funding reference 22011118).