IVW‘s equal opportunity plan became effective

The equal opportunity plan was signed by the equal opportunity officer, the human resources department and management. It contains an up-to-date inventory and formulates goals and measures to improve equal opportunity at IVW. These are based on the implementation agreement of the framework agreement on research funding on the equal treatment of men and women in joint research funding („AV-Glei“ in its current valid version), the equal opportunity Act of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate and the research-oriented equality standards of the German Research Foundation DFG.

IVW thus pursues a structural and personnel equality strategy which, in addition to concrete measures to eliminate the under-representation of one gender in certain areas, also defines framework conditions for making work and family life compatible and specifies the appointment as well as the rights and duties of the institute’s equal opportunities officer.

The equal opportunity plan is valid for a period of four years and will be reviewed after two years with regard to the implementation of the measures and, if necessary, to initiate new actions.