Injection Moulding Machine „ENGEL Victory 1560/400“

Fully automated industrial-scale injection molding process for all thermoplastic polymers with short- to continuous-fiber reinforcement

Manufacturer: ENGEL AUSTRIA GmbH

Main technical parameters:
Clamping force                                       4000 KN
Screw diameter                                      60 mm
Metering stroke                                      270 mm
Max. Stroke volume                                763 cm³
Screw speed                                          315 min-1
Plasticizing capacity                               73 g/s
Injection flow                                          433 cm³/sec
Specific injection pressure                       2200 bar
Clamping platen size                               1200x1100 mm
Design clamping unit                               tie-bar-less
Integrated heating channels                     20 circuits
Core pulls                                              4x hydraulic and 4x pneumatic

Other features of the injection molding machine:
Injection compression
Integrated cascade control
Two temperature control units up to 160°C
Pressure-temperature combination measurement
Preparation for MuCell® technology

Integrated components of the production cell:
Articulated arm robot "easix-Kuka" KR30          
               payload 30kg           
               working radius 2033mm
Horizontal infrared oven
Vertical infrared oven
Deposit conveyor belt

Responsible Competence Field:

Molding & Joining Technologies


Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Thomas Neumeyer

Research Director Manufacturing Science & Manager Molding & Joining Technologies

Special expertise: Fiber-reinforced composites polymer foams, special injection molding processes, additive manufacturing with plastics, sustainability aspects and their quantitative assessment