Vita Jens Schlimbach

Dr. Schlimbach studied at the University of Kaiserslautern Industrial Engineering and Management, specializing in Mechanical Engineering, and graduated in 2001.

Subsequently, he joined the Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe as a researcher in the group of Prof. Dr. Mitschang and worked in the field of processing technology. He specialized in the area of "thermoplastic tape placement" and as a cross sectional topic in "cost calculation for FRP"

In 2006, he received his PhD-Degree for his dissertation "economical process analysis and model integration for cost calculation of fiber reinforced plastics" at the Technical University Kaiserslautern.

Already during his student time, Dr. Schlimbach was working as a consultant for various industries, and collected as lecturer first experiences. Since 2006, Dr. Schlimbach offers consultancy services for the composite industry within the sectors aerospace and automotive.

In 2007 he founded the European subsidiary of the technology company Quickstep Holdings Ltd., the Quickstep GmbH, and became the Managing Director. Since 2009, Dr. Schlimbach additionally lead Quickstep’s R&D department globally, as the “Vice President Engineering and Development”.

In addition, Dr. Schlimbach became involved in academia by co-supervising theses, holding seminars and lectures in the field of out-of-autoclave technologies at the Technical University Munich, as well as writing publications and book chapters within this field.

Since May 2016, Dr. Schlimbach is the Deputy Research Director of the department “Manufacturing Science” and Competence Field Manager for “Roving and Tape Processing” at the Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe. Additionally, he responsible for the research field "Profitability Analysis and Eco-Efficiency".

Offices and Memberships

  • Member of the Association of German Engineers VDI e.V.
  • Member of the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering SAMPE Europe
  • Member of the German Association for Material Science DGM e.V.
  • Member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE
  • Reviewer for the journals Applied Composite Materials, Composites Part A, Polymers and Polymer Composites


Jens Schlimbach

Deputy Research Manager Manufacturing Science & Manager Roving & Tape Processing

Special Expertise: Development of efficient processing methods, process optimization, out-of-autoclave technologies, economic feasibility studies, process hybridization, additive manufacturing, AFP, winding technology


  • JEC Innovation Award 2012 within the category „Process“ for the RST-process (Resin Spray Transfer)
  • Australian Endeavour Award „Manufacturer of the Year 2011“ für the F-35 production


The list of publications is available here.

Research focus and interests

  • Affordable composite aircraft structures, eco-efficiency
  • Direct composite processing, i.e. AFP, tape-laying, winding technologies und 3D-printing
  • Function-integrated high-performance composite manufacturing
  • Hybrid composite manufacturing processes