Drop Tower

Experimental studies of crash and energy absorption behavior of materials and structural components

Brand: Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH
Crash energy: 20 J to 3,000 J
Max. impact mass: 80 kg
Max. drop height: 15 m
Max. measurable force: 60 kN or 400 kN
Max. measurable displacement: 200 mm
Max. specimen dimensions: w/h/l:
600 mm x 1,200 mm x 30 mm
Recorded measurement data: force, displacement, acceleration, initial impact velocity
High-speed video with digital camera system

Responsible Competence Field:

Mechanical Characterization & Modeling



Sebastian Schmeer

Deputy Research Manager Component Development & Manager Mechanical Characterization & Modeling

Special Expertise: Mechanical characterization of materials, components and joints (strain rate & temperature variable), DIN/ISO standardization, material behavior under multi-axiality (tension/compression and torsion), FEM simulation (mechanical), material model parameterization, validation of FE simulation models by experimental investigations, structural integrity, metal-fiber reinforced composites