
Modeling the Mechanical Properties of Natural Fiber- Reinforced Polymer (NFRPs)

The work of IVW focuses primarily on the analysis of process parameters in the processing of NFRP in the thermoforming process and their influence on the mechanical properties of the manufactured components.

Natural fibers can make an important contribution to meeting emission limits due to their neutral CO2 balance and the low energy expenditures for processing them into natural fiber reinforced polymers. To date, natural fibers have a market share of < 5% and therefore still have a rather minor significance in the overall market for fiber-reinforced polymers. One of the reasons for this are the fluctuations in the property profile of the natural raw material, which in turn makes it difficult to meet quality requirements. Currently, the mechanical properties of NFRP components are determined by means of elaborate destructive component tests. The fiber blend is subsequently adjusted to achieve the requirement profile. This cost-intensive procedure represents a hurdle for entering the NFRP market, especially for small and medium-sized companies. In the NaturePerformance project, a model is being developed for calculating the feasible properties of NFRP components on the basis of fiber properties that can be determined quickly and inexpensively. This will eliminate the iterative adjustment of fiber mixtures, as well as the need for multiple cost-intensive component testing. This approach lowers entry barriers and enables greater market development for NFRPs.

Field of competence

Industry sectors

Project status

  • Current



Andreas Krämer

Scientific Staff Molding & Joining Technologies

Telephone: +49 631 2017 441


The project “NaturePerformance – Modeling the Mechanical Properties of Components made of Natural Fiber-Reinforced Plastics (NFRP)” is funded under the program for the promotion of joint industrial research (IGF) (Project No.: 21240 N/2).