IVW Spin-Off EVOLIME Radial Composites wins the Pioneering Spirit Special Award 2020


With the founder prize "Pioneering spirit: Your Concept, Our Founder Award", the Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz (ISB), the Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken in Rheinland-Pfalz and the Südwestrundfunk together with the Ministry of Economics of Rheinland-Pfalz honor founders who have set an example with outstanding business concepts. This year, the award ceremony took place via livestream.

Secretary of State for Economic Affairs Daniela Schmitt congratulated the prize winners and emphasized the great importance of start-ups for the economy of Rhineland-Palatinate: "The business location Rhineland-Palatinate is characterized by outstanding start-up companies, this is also underlined by this year's pioneering spirit".

Dr.-Ing. Marcel Bücker accepted the special prize endowed with 5.000€ for the IVW-Spin-Off EVOLIME GmbH, which is to honor outstanding achievements of founders and foundresses already in an early development phase. The Business Angels Rhineland-Palatinate e.V. award this prize for the "Best start-up idea". In his laudatory speech, the chairman of the Business Angels, Klaus Wächter, said: "The wheel is over 5000 years old. And these founders have indeed reinvented the wheel".

Evolime GmbH emerged from an EXIST research transfer "CompoSpoke", which is located at the Institute für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH (IVW) from 2019 to 2021 and is funded by the BMWi and the European Social Fund. The award again underlines the ability of  IVW to successfully transfer research results into practical applications.

Further information: https://isb.rlp.de/home/detailansicht/herausragende-rheinland-pfaelzische-gruenderinnen-und-gruender-geehrt.html

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