Impact / Crash Behavior & Simulation

Stefan Gabriel

Techn. Staff Mechanical Charaterization & Modelling

Special Expertise: Crash and energy absorption, dynamic materials testing with sample preparation, development and design of test setups


Sebastian Schmeer

Deputy Research Manager Component Development & Manager Mechanical Characterization & Modeling

Special Expertise: Mechanical characterization of materials, components and joints (strain rate & temperature variable), DIN/ISO standardization, material behavior under multi-axiality (tension/compression and torsion), FEM simulation (mechanical), material model parameterization, validation of FE simulation models by experimental investigations, structural integrity, metal-fiber reinforced composites

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Ralph Schneider

Laboringenieur Ermüdung & Lebensdaueranalyse

Spezielle Expertise: Zerstörende Bauteil- und Werkstoffprüfung, Crashprüfung, hydraulische Prüftechnik, Entwicklung von Prüfaufbauten und Prüfprozeduren