Hybrid Materials & Structures

Stefan Gabriel

Techn. Staff Mechanical Charaterization & Modelling

Special Expertise: Crash and energy absorption, dynamic materials testing with sample preparation, development and design of test setups


Florian Gortner

Manager Remanufacturing & Repair

Spezielle Expertise: Halbzeugentwicklung, Hybride Materialien & Strukturen, Hybridprozesse, Methoden zur Material- & Prozess-Charakterisierung, Presstechnik & Simulation, Material- und Prozessentwicklung


Barbara Güttler

Manager Material Cycles

Special Expertise: Biocomposites, carbon fiber recycling, materials analytics, method development, bioeconomy

Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Joachim Hausmann

Research Director Component Development & Manager Fatigue & Life Time Prediction

Special Expertise: Method development for realistic and efficient material and component testing under consideration of environmental influences (temperature, humidity, media)


Nicole Motsch-Eichmann

Manager Design of Composite Structures

Special Expertise: Structural design and development of fiber composite structures, finite element analysis (static), development of load introduction regions, experimental testing of components and parts, topology and shape optimization


Jens Schlimbach

Deputy Research Manager Manufacturing Science & Manager Roving & Tape Processing

Special Expertise: Development of efficient processing methods, process optimization, out-of-autoclave technologies, economic feasibility studies, process hybridization, additive manufacturing, AFP, winding technology


Sebastian Schmeer

Deputy Research Manager Component Development & Manager Mechanical Characterization & Modeling

Special Expertise: Mechanical characterization of materials, components and joints (strain rate & temperature variable), DIN/ISO standardization, material behavior under multi-axiality (tension/compression and torsion), FEM simulation (mechanical), material model parameterization, validation of FE simulation models by experimental investigations, structural integrity, metal-fiber reinforced composites


Bernd Wetzel

Research Director Materials Science & Manager Tailored Thermosets & Biomaterials

Special Expertise: Multifunctional thermosets, nanocomposites, tribology, fracture mechanics, structure-property relationships