Molding & Joining Technologies

This field of competence focuses on thermoforming of thermoplastic composites, combination technologies with injection molding, thermoplastic foams, LCM processes as well as welding technology. A particular emphasis lies on the production of highly integrated hybrid components, especially those based on high-performance thermoplastics, also combining continuous and discontinuous reinforcements. To maximize lightweight potential and minimize material usage, the application of cellular materials is of particular interest. In this context, approaches to produce geometrically complex, recyclable monomaterial sandwich structures based on thermoplastic composite materials are developed. This also includes the use of thermoplastic foam injection molding. Another key focus is the development of efficient joining technologies for thermoplastic FRPC and metal-FRPC hybrid materials, mainly based on induction welding.

Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Thomas Neumeyer

Research Director Manufacturing Science & Manager Molding & Joining Technologies

Special expertise: Fiber-reinforced composites polymer foams, special injection molding processes, additive manufacturing with plastics, sustainability aspects and their quantitative assessment

Special Expertise

  • Combination of continuous / discontinuous fiber reinforcement
  • Development of special profile shapes – open and closed – in
  • Continuous compression molding (CCM) technology
  • Industrial scale equipment:
    • Continuous compression molding press
    • Injection overmolding of composites
    • Resin Transfer Molding (thermoset and thermoplastic)
    • Several parallel controlled presses with up to 2,500 t press force and mounting table size of up to 2 m x 3 m, IR field and integrated injection molding unit for hybrid thermoforming and compression overmolding
    • Welding robot
    • Different test rigs for induction welding
  • Foam core materials for thermoplastic sandwich structures
  • LCM-one-stop-shop: Tool design, material selection, manufacturing, testing
  • In-line and off-line process monitoring
  • Digital mapping of process chains
Economic Sectors Applications (Examples)
Aeronautics & Space Spoiler, panels, fuselage structures, clips and cleats
Automotive Body structures, body shells, spoilers and wind deflectors, interior paneling
Engineering High accelerated machine parts, paneling
Medical Engineering Various
Energy Various

Materials and Questions

Typical Materials

  • Fiber reinforcement GF, CF, rCF, NF, AF in form of textiles or cut fibers
  • Combinations of continuously and discontinuously reinforced systems
  • PP, PA, PPS, PEI, PEEK, PU, EP, UP, biopolymers, vitrimers, etc.

Typical Questions

  • How can highly integrated and recyclable composite parts be produced at minimal cycle time?
  • How can thermoplastic sandwich structures contribute to electro mobility?
  • How can the fusion quality of welded joints be predicted?

Projects in this field

Publications from the IVW papers in this field of competence

  • Weidmann, S.

    Diskontinuierliches induktives Fügen glasfaserverstärkter Thermoplaste mit Karosseriestählen

  • Salmins, M.

    Entwicklung eines Heißpressprozesses zur Herstellung von flächigen Integralschaumhalbzeugen aus amorphen Hochleistungsthermoplasten

  • Becker, S.

    Untersuchung und Optimierung des induktiven Aufheizverhaltens von textilverstärkten CFK-Organoblechen

  • Goergen, C.

    Quasiplastisches Verformungsverhalten von Organoblechen aus recyceltem Kohlenstoff-Stapelfasergarnen

  • Gortner, F.

    Bio-basierte und nachwachsende Füllstoffe für dichtereduzierte Sheet Molding Compounds

  • Kracke, C.

    Dimensionierung werkzeugseitiger Fließkanäle im RTM Prozess

  • Hümbert, M.

    Induktiver Schweißprozess für glasfaserverstärkte Thermoplaste und Stahl

  • Jung, G.

    Development of continuous fiber and long fiber reinforced thermoplastic materials with multilayered hybrid structure, and then crash application thereof

  • Dzalto, J.

    Entwicklung eines großserientauglichen Aufheizprozesses für naturfaserverstärkte Kunststoffe

  • Schieler, O.

    Auswahl einer Fugetechnologie für faserverstärkte Thermoplaste im Helikopterbau

  • Hildebrandt, K.

    Material- und prozessspezifische Einflüsse auf Oberflächeneigenschaften von endlosfaserverträrkten Thermoplasten

  • Christmann, M.

    Optimierung der Organoblechherstellung durch 2D-Imprägnierung

  • Bayerl, T.

    Application of Particulate Susceptors for the Inductive Heating of Temperature Sensitive Polymer-Polymer Composites

  • Moser, L.

    Experimental Analysis and Modeling of Susceptorless Induction Welding of High Performance Thermoplastic Polymer Composites

  • Mitschang, P

    Prozessvariable Entwicklung von Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunden auf PBT-Basis

  • Steeg, M.

    Prozesstechnologie für Cyclic Butylene Terephthalate im Faser-Kunststoff-Verbund

  • Medina, L.

    Materialentwicklung und Prozessoptimierung von naturfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen mit geringem Matrixanteil für Automobilanwendungen

  • Velthuis, R.

    Induction Welding of Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Polymer Composites to Metals. 2007

  • Lahr, R.

    Partielles Thermoformen endlosfaserverstärkter Thermoplaste

  • Sommer, M. M.

    Eigenschaftserweiterung von langfaserverstärkten thermoplastischen Fließpresshalbzeugen

  • Breitel, J.

    Zur presstechnischen Verarbeitung naturfaserverstärkter Thermoplaste

  • Wöginger, A.

    Prozesstechnologien zur Herstellung kontinuierlich faserverstärkter thermoplastischer Halbzeuge leider vergriffen

  • Blinzler, M.

    Werkstoff- und prozessseitige Einflussmöglichkeiten zur Optimierung der Oberflächenqualität endlosfaserverstärkter thermoplastischer Kunststoffe

  • Nowacki, J.

    Prozessanalyse des Umformens und Fügens in einem Schritt von gewebeverstärkten Thermoplasten

  • Edelmann, K.

    Prozessintegrierte Analyse des Fließverhaltens von faserverstärkten thermoplastischen Pressmassen für die Serienfertigung

  • Rudolf, R.

    Entwicklung einer neuartigen Prozess- und Anlagentechnik zum wirtschaftlichen Fügen von thermoplastischen Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunden - leider vergriffen!

  • Mattus, V.

    Zur werkstofflichen Verwertung lang- und endlosfaser-verstärkter Thermoplaste

  • Mayer, C.

    Prozeßanalyse und Modellbildung zur Herstellung gewebe-verstärkter, thermoplastischer Halbzeuge - leider vergriffen!

    External Publications "Molding & Joining Technologies"

    Influence of fungal decay on mechanical properties of bio-based sheet molding compounds (SMC)

    Investigations on thermoforming of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy vitrimer composites

    Commercial Vehicle Technology 2020/2021

    DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-29717-6

    Multiple regression analysis of the chemical components effect on wettability at ps laser micro-structured surfaces on stainless steel 304

    Development of fiber reinforced compound bipolar foils for fuel cells

    Digitalisierung eines CFK-Fertigungsprozesses


    Process Improvement of Continuous Induction Welding of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites

    3R Composites: Knockdown Effect Assessment and Repair   
    Efficiency via Mechanical and NDE Testing

    Investigation of an optimized hot press process design for manufacturing structural polyethersulfone foams

    The chemical components effect of long-term contact angle change on laser micro-structured stainless steel 304

    Use of bio-based and renewable materials for sheet molding compounds (SMC) – Mechanical properties and susceptibility to fungal decay

    Deep drawing of organic sheets made of hybrid recycled carbon and thermoplastic polyamide 6 staple fiber yarns, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials

    Effects of thermoforming parameters and layup on unidirectional reinforced amorphous thermoplastic composite surfaces

    Tiefziehbare Organobleche aus recycelten Carbonfasern, Zeitschrift Kunststofftechnik 1/2019

    Bending properties of structural foams manufactured in a hot press process

    Challenges in Manufacturing of Hemp Fiber-Reinforced Organo Sheets with a Recycled PLA Matrix

    Influence of polymer matrix on the induction heating behavior of CFRPC laminates

    New approach for processing recycled carbon staple fiber yarns to unidirectionally reinforced recycled carbon staple fiber tape


    Increasing the performance of continuous compression moulding by local pressure adaption

    Kostenanalyse der Prozesskette zur Herstellung von rCF-Stapelfaser-Organoblechen, erschienen in der Technischen Textilien 3/2018

    Entwicklung einer Prozesskette zur Herstellung von NFPP-Tapes


    Data for: New approach for processing recycled carbon staple fiber yarns to unidirectional reinforced recycled carbon staple fiber tape