Smart Data

Laboratory Information Systems (LIS) are the tools of choice for the management of primary, secondary and metadata from material investigations, for material properties derived from them, for the results of analytical investigations as well as for input and output data of numerical simulations. “Smart Data” LIS, developed at IVW, now offers extensive and convenient functions for storing test data from the fields of fracture mechanics, thermo-mechanical analysis, refractometry, tensile shear testing, viscosity and permeability measurement, tribology, as well as a flexible data model for mapping machining processes on specimens, workpieces and demonstrators. The new functions added in 2021 include, in particular, a digital data model for material parameters with which, using the example of in-plane permeability, a complete and digital process chain from the material permeability characterization test rig to the numerical simulation of permeability processes has been realized for the first time. The use of open source and free software technologies makes “Smart Data” highly future-proof and the use of current information technology standards makes it compatible and interoperable with the rapidly changing national and international research data infrastructure.

“Smart Data” is a laboratory information system being developed at IVW to support researchers in experimental, material, process and component data management.

Field of competence

Project status

  • Current



Andreas Gebhard

Research Director Digitalization & Manager Digitalized Process & Material Development

Telephone: +49 631 2017 400