
High-Performance Structural Components in One Shot

Fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) composites have high specific strength and stiffness. However, they also have economic disadvantages too compared to metallic materials. A promising strategy for obtaining an attractively priced final product with an increased performance spectrum is the combination of short and continuous fiber-reinforced thermoplastics (TP). Here, continuous fiber reinforcement is used locally in highly stressed areas along the main load paths. Highly loaded areas are determined within the project by topology optimization and finite element (FE) simulations. By developing methodical simulation chain to link different design tools (CAD, FE, topology, optimization, process simulation), the goal of a comprehensive virtual design of hybrid thermoplastic FRP structural component is pursued. Due to the fusibility of TP, it is possible to utilize efficient economical processing methods, which are mainly characterized by short cycle times and therefore high output. This includes the injection molding process, which contributes to the economic efficiency of the concept through automation technology significantly. During the project, the existing injection molding plant technology is adapted to the special requirements of hybrid thermoplastic FRP structural components.

In addition to the novel calculation of a hybrid assembly made of anisotropic materials and the interaction between the insert and the injection molding compound, the production of a sufficiently strong boundary layer between the insert and the injection molding compound in terms of process technology a challenge is this project.

Field of competence

Industry sectors

Project status

  • Current



Alexander Nuhn

Scientific Staff Molding & Joining Technologies

Telephone: +49 631 2017 117



Wiss. Mitarbeiterin Ermüdung & Lebensdaueranalyse

Telephone: +49 631 2017 139


The project “pro-TPC-Structure – Development Process Chain for the Optimized Use of Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics in Functionalized Structural Components” (funding reference: 84002807) is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viniculture (MWVLW).