
Material Simulator for Textile Based Composites

The goal of Math2Composites is the development of a simulation software module for the determination of material parameters, which replaces experimental tests by validated simulations.

The simulative component and process design for textile-reinforced composites requires an extensive test program to determine material properties. In this project a simulative-experimental approach for the efficient material characterization was developed. Simulations with experimentally calibrated digital twins based on easily determined input parameters could substitute parts of the experimental test program.

Thus, the experimental effort is significantly reduced. Using the example of permeability, which quantifies the impregnation process with a matrix system, the scale separated modeling approach could be validated. In the workflow, the permeability within the rovings is first determined at the micro level in order to assign them to randomized individual layers with solid rovings at the meso level. The individual layers are then virtually stacked and compacted to achieve a realistic image of roving deformations. The digital twins calibrated at 50% fiber volume content (FVG) were further compacted to 55% and 60% FVG. The accuracy of the simulation results, with maximum deviations of -35% to +42% from the experiments, are in the same order of magnitude as is usual for experimental comparative studies. Similarly, the workflow was used to determine the mechanical properties of the epoxy impregnated fabric. At meso level, a tensile test was carried out both in GeoDict and in the laboratory. Thus, deformation and failure could be predicted precisely.

Project partners



Tim Schmidt

Scientific Staff Digitalized Process & Material Development

Telephone: +49 631 2017 469


The project Math2Composites – Material simulator for design and manufacturing of textile reinforced composites is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag (funding reference ZF4052310EB6).