International Standardization

International Standardization of Characterization Methods

Examples of new standardization projects currently under IVW’s leadership include an ISO draft standard for permeability measurement of dry textiles and an ISO draft standard for characterization of tapes under tensile stress.

New materials or material developments often require special or adapted test methods. At the same time, technical developments move boundaries, e.g. in measurement technology. Through the accompanying use of FE simulations, test methods can be better understood and thus optimized. Standardized test methods reveal weaknesses, show potential for improvement after years of use, or have to be adapted to new types of materials. These are all important reasons for permanently working on standards in testing technology, since only in this way comparable material parameters can be generated and these materials be brought into use. IVW has dedicated itself intensively to this task. Staff members are not only actively involved in national and international standardization committees, but are also chair of some of them. In the DIN standards committee “Plastics” (DIN-FNK), which is decisive for plastics in Germany, IVW is a member of the advisory board and thus also involved in the development of standards strategies, among others. An example of a successful international standardization project led by IVW is the updated ISO 527-4, in which a test specimen, newly developed at IVW was introduced for the robust and efficient characterization of continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastics.

Field of competence

Project status

  • Current



Sebastian Schmeer

Deputy Research Manager Component Development & Manager Mechanical Characterization & Modeling

Telephone: +49 631 2017 322