Successful Completion of the DrivEcomp II Research Project

Molding & Joining Technologies8News25

The DrivEcompII research project focused on increasing the efficiency of drive systems for rail and bus applications. The aim was to develop a new generation of electric motors by using tailor-made fiber composite technologies. These should be lighter, more powerful and quieter than previous motors. In the research project, the project partners Siemens AG, Gustav Gerster GmbH & Co. KG, Albany Engineered Composites (formerly CirComp) and the Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe developed, among other things, a new internal design for the electric motor. In addition, housing components that are usually made from metallic materials were made from fiber composites. Sheet molding compound (SMC) was one of the materials used. SMC is a widely used material that consists of a thermoset matrix, reinforcing fibers and application-specific additives and enables the large-scale production of FRP components in an efficient pressing process. The use of SMC opens up new possibilities in the load path-compliant and functionally integrated design of housing components. Compared to metal construction, SMC components have vibration-damping properties that can reduce noise emissions. The work of IVW focused on SMC semi-finished product and process development. An SMC formulation was successfully developed that meets the required thermomechanical properties and enables efficient component production.

The new developments of the research project lead to a significant weight saving compared to conventional construction methods. The power density was increased by significantly more than 30%.

The project "drivEcomp II - Advanced composite solutions for electric drives to increase power density in ground-based mobility applications" was funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag (funding reference 19I20017D).

Project staff and newly developed electric motor on test field at final meeting



Florian Gortner

Manager Remanufacturing & Repair

Spezielle Expertise: Halbzeugentwicklung, Hybride Materialien & Strukturen, Hybridprozesse, Methoden zur Material- & Prozess-Charakterisierung, Presstechnik & Simulation, Material- und Prozessentwicklung

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