New Laser Cutting System at IVW


Extended possibilities to process composite materials

A new laser cutting system has been available to Leibniz-Insitut für Verbundwerkstoffe (IVW) since August 2020: a „TruLaser Cell 7040“, manufactured by Trumpf, which enables semi-finished products as well as components made of composite materials to be processed with millimeter precision. A high quality laser of the type "TruFlow" with a maximum power of 5 KW serves as the beam source of the machine.

Revolutionary job enlargement

Thanks to the new laser cell, it is now possible to cut semi-finished products as well as components made of composite materials in any shape quickly, precisely and efficiently and thereby prepare them for a wide variety of further processing. The machine works on the principle of a so-called flying optic, with the processing optic moving around the stationary component. Processing can be done in 2D or 3D, with a maximum working range of 1,500 mm to 2,000 mm in 2D. There are two different kind of optics available: a welding optic as well as a cutting optic. The maximum axis speed is 173 m/min. simultaneously; the positioning accuracy of the linear axes (X,Y and Z) is 0.08 mm, the one of the rotational axes (B) 0.015 °.


It is a CO2 laser of „TruFlow“ type, with a wavelength of 10.6 μm, which is supported by a maintanance-free turbo radial blower (up to 60,000 rpm) to enable laser-gas recirculation. The laser generation takes place in the optical resonator and is optimised by the turbo radial blower. After leaving the resonator, the laser beam is guided through different kind of deflection mirrors to the processing optic. The laser performance is adjustable and thus ensures a clean cutting edge. Thanks to the adjustable performance range and the excellent laser characteristics, both fine and coarse cuts are possible. A pilot laser is available for workpiece positioning and teach function.

Technical data

X axis travel range2000 mm
Y axis travel range1500 mm
Z axis travel range750mm
B axis travel range± 135 °
C axis travel range360°
Maximum axis speed, simultaneous173 m/min
Positioning accuracy of linear axes (X, Y, Z)0,08 mm
Positioning accuracy of rotary axes (B)0,015 °
Maximum laser power  5000 W
Beam sourceCO2 Laser - Typ "TruFlow"
Available opticsSchneidoptik und Schweißoptik
AbsauganlageSpeziell zur Bearbeitung von Verbundwerkstoffen
Extraction systemKapazitiv bei der Bearbeitung von leitfähigen Materialien
Processing possibilities2D und 3D

Further inormation:

Thorsten Becker
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Laboratory engineer Tailored & Smart Composites
Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH
Erwin-Schrödinger-Straße 58
67663 Kaiserslautern
Telephone: +49 631 2017-283



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