IVW spin-off wants to reinvent the wheel


Evolime GmbH is IVW's latest spin-off. The young company specializes in the development and production of wheel structures made of fiber plastic composites. The team around project manager Dr.-Ing. Marcel Bücker has developed an innovative manufacturing process for this purpose, which significantly reduces the production effort compared to conventional methods and at the same time has a very good ecological balance. Evolime Radial Composites thus aims to be an innovative driver for the implementation of fiber-reinforced plastic composites in wheel structures for a broader practice that goes beyond the use in special applications. The company's target markets are in mechanical and plant engineering and mobility applications. The spin-off is based on the EXIST research transfer "CompoSpoke", which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy and the European Social Fund.

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The CompoSpoke technology is a new winding process with additional forming

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