Heinrich-Heine-Gymnasium successful in the regional competition of “Jugend forscht” with IVW support


Last Saturday the regional competition of “Jugend forscht” took place at the Sparkasse Kaiserslautern. Students presented the projects they had prepared at their schools last year. A jury awarded places and prizes in various categories. Two teams from the Heinrich-Heine-Gymnasium were supervised by Liudmyla Gryshchuk and Christoph Queck and took second and first place in the chemistry and technology categories. The first-placed projects qualify for the state competition.

Technology: Regional victory and special prizes for Lennox!

The student Lennox Ledesma from Heinrich-Heine-Gymnasium impressed with his self-built test stand for rotor blades of model airplanes and drones in the regional youth research and student experiments competition and achieved first place in the technology category and qualification for the state competition. He was actively supported by IVW employee Christoph Queck in implementing his ideas. By using additive manufacturing, Lennox was able to produce different rotor blades and evaluate them in terms of the thrust and volume achieved, systematically varying parameters such as the number, shape and width of the blades. In addition to the regional victory, the creativity and convincing presentation were recognized with two special prizes, plusMINT for creativity in physics and quality assurance through non-destructive testing.

Chemistry: 2nd place for Stella, Friederike and Aliyah!

A project team consisting of Stella Schwamm and Friederika Barth (who started the project) and Aliyah Kayrak, who joined the project (and presented the results of the team's work), developed a sucking film that can measure pH by changing its color. The project examined various plant substances as potential indicators. The best combination with biocompatible polymer films was determined through a targeted elimination process. Films made from Achan tea and carboxymethyl cellulose work well. The original blue color of the film changes to a reddish hue in the presence of acidic saliva, indicating an attack on the teeth by acids and thus signaling the optimal time to brush your teeth. This is especially important for young children so that they can check for themselves whether they have brushed their teeth well. The precise systematics of their work was awarded second place by the expert jury.

You can find all of the Heinrich-Heine-Gymnasium's projects for "Jugend forscht" here: https://www.hhg-kl.de/heimspiel-fuer-das-hhg-fruchtreiche-teilnahme-am-regionalgewinnung-kaiserslautern/



Christoph Queck

Laboratory Engineer Smart Composites & Nondestructive Testing

Telephone: +49 631 2017 428
Birthday: 01.04.2022

Lennox Ledesma

Aliyah Kayrak

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