FPCM at Purdue University - IVW presents work on SMC process simulation, material simulation supported by machine learning, and ISO standardization

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Since 1988, FPCM, the International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, has been devoted to research on flow processes during the manufacture and processing of composite materials. This year, the 15th FPCM was held at Purdue University (Indiana, USA), at the Composites Manufacturing & Simulation Center directed by Prof. Byron Pipes. IVW was participated with four presentations.

Dr. Miro Duhovic, head of process simulation, presented approaches to aquire material property data during the manufacture of sheet molding compounds (SMCs) based on polarization imaging. The information obtained regarding fiber orientations in the molding compound was used to generate the correct input conditions for material models that serve as the basis for process simulations. In another presentation, Tim Schmidt presented the work on the ML4ProcessSimulation project funded by the Leibniz Association.  In cooperation with DFKI, among others, approaches for the substitution of material simulations by trained neural networks were explored here. A central aspect for increasing the industrial relevance of process simulations is the provision of reliable input data on the processing behavior of semi-finished products, an area of research that also plays an important role in the FPCM community.

As in previous FPCM conferences, Dr. David May, research director of the program area digitalization at IVW, organized a workshop on benchmarking and standardization activities. Within the workshop, he presented a new ISO standard for in-plane permeability measurement. Tim Schmidt, together with Elena Syerko from Ecole Centrale Nantes, presented the results of a benchmarking study on simulation-based permeability prediction. Finally, Ana Yong, from the National Physical Laboratory (UK), presented initial results on benchmarking of thickness permeability and textile compressibility measurements.

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