DIN – Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Schmeer


Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe (Institute for Composite Materials/IVW) has been researching in the field of fiber-reinforced plastic composites for 30 years and, especially in recent years, has invested not only in production but also in material analysis and testing technology. The gained experience and new developments in the field of material characterization are to be made accessible to a broad public through activity in the international standardization committees. This will decrease application hurdles for this class of materials and enables the development of, for example, more efficient or eco-efficient products made of fiber plastic composites in all industrial sectors.

Therefore, IVW has been even more involved in the Plastics Standards Committee (FNK) of the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) since April 2020. Dr. Sebastian Schmeer was appointed Head of Department 2 (thermosetting and thermoplastic materials). He was also appointed to the advisory board of FNK. In Germany, FNK is responsible for development and updating of standards relating to plastics and is divided into five departments. It also represents German interests at European (CEN, European Committee for Standardization) and international (ISO, International Organization for Standardization) level. Over 600 experts from industry and research are active within the FNK.

Dr. Sebastian Schmeer remains chairman of the DIN working committees "Reinforced plastics and thermosetting materials (NA 054-02-02 AA) in the FNK as well as "Composite Materials" (NA 131-02-01 AA) in the DIN standards committee "Aerospace". In this function he has been a member of the German delegation to the international standardization meetings of the Technical Committee "Plastics" (TC61) at ISO level for many years.

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