Redesign of test rigs for the characterization of the processing properties of textile-based semi-finished products

Diploma / seminar papers35Bachelor thesis44Seminar papers41

The Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH is one of the world's leading institutes in the field of composite materials. We research the entire value value chain of composite materials from the scientific fundamentals to the component. At the earliest possible date we are offering the following student thesis:

Diploma- or Master thesis possibly Bachelor thesis with the title:

Redesign of test rigs for the characterization of the processing properties of textile-based semi-finished products

The processing properties of semi-finished products for the production of fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) must be known in order to achieve a high level of cost-effectiveness and resource efficiency through optimized process design. The necessary understanding of the material can be generated using experimental test rigs that allow individual aspects of the processing behavior to be investigated. In the context of digitalized process development, such test rigs also serve to generate input data for process simulations. High-performance FRP often have a textile reinforcement that determines the shaping possibilities. Compaction and shear behavior limit achievable fiber volume contents and orientations and are therefore among the most dominant processing properties. IVW has two test rigs for this purpose, which are to be improved in terms of their accuracy and upgraded for the investigation of a completely new semi-finished product concept.

Content of the thesis:

The aim of this work is, firstly, to add displacement measurement to an existing compaction test rig. Second, the clamping device of an existing picture frame for shear tests must be reworked so that it can securely clamp the new semi-finished products and is handy in use. In both cases, concepts have to be developed which are narrowed down to a proposed solution based on preliminary tests. This solution is then elaborated, including technical drawings. Possibly, implementation and initial setup of the new test systems can also be part of the work.

Detailed tasks:

  • Familiarization with the state of the art with regard to compaction measurement and shear frame tests, in particular with regard to displacement measurement and sample clamping.
  • Conceptual design of revised test rigs
  • Design development and derivation of procurement lists and technical drawings
  • Possibly, implementation, initial setup, testing and critical evaluation
  • Documentation through written thesis

Your profile:

Science degree, structured way of working, good communication skills


David May
Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH
Telephone: 0631 2017-400

Beginn der Arbeit: ab sofort

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