Design of super accelerated space simulator for low earth orbit environment


Das Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe (IVW) GmbH ist eine der weltweit führenden Einrichtungen auf dem Gebiet der Verbundwerkstoffe. Wir erforschen die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette der Verbundwerkstoffe von den wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen bis zum Bauteil. Zum nächstmöglichen Termin schreiben wir folgende studentische Arbeit aus:

Masterarbeit/Diplomarbeit mit dem Titel

Design of super accelerated space simulator for low earth orbit environment

Polymers are highly susceptible to the harsh space environment. Despite, fibre reinforced polymers CFRP are widely used in satellite structures since ages. In this thesis, it is required to study the material degradation behavior of composite in space environment. For that, an innovative vacuum chamber is required, which can accelerate the LEO (low earth orbit) environment on the earth.

LEO environment mainly include:

  • Vacuum thermal cycle
    • Utra-high Vacuum ~ 1E-9 mbar
    • Thermal cycle ~ ±120°C
    • Time for one revolution : 90 min
    • Heat source: radiation
  • UV radiation
    • UV wavelength in range 100-300 nm
  • Atomic oxygen
    • Flux ~5.23 x 1013 atoms/cm2/s at orbit 400 km

Aim of the thesis:

To develop a testing chamber which can simulate the low earth orbit environment with minimum energy consumption and fast thermal cycling capacity. The testing chamber must be able to withstand ultra-high vacuum under fast heating and cooling capacity. The main work includes:

  • Brain storming for the innovative ideas to make for the heating and cooling mechanism inside the chamber
  • Design of vacuum chamber considering given boundary conditions
  • Proof of concept for thermal cycle chambers inside the vacuum chamber
  • Estimation of heating and cooling rates by analytical models
  • Design of the movable specimen tray through heating and cooling chamber
  • Generate drawings for part manufacturing
  • Assembling, testing and verification of the vacuum chamber in DLR Cologne.

Your profile:

  • Problem solving ability, independent way of working
  • Master or Diploma student from area of mechanical or aerospace engineering or similar
  • Good knowledge of component design and mechanical CAD
  • Good knowledge of English language as thesis will be written in English

Apply with cover letter and resume to:

Esha, M.Sc.
Telefon:  0631/2017-139